Trivets – an essential kitchen accessory!

Trivets – an essential kitchen accessory!                  

Welcome to another exciting blog post, dear readers! Today, we embark on a journey into the world of kitchen accessories and explore the utility of a humble yet essential tool—the trivet! Who says practicality can't be fashionable? With countless designs available, ranging from elegant and minimalist to vibrant and quirky, you can choose a trivet that complements your kitchen's aesthetic. Turn your kitchen into a vibrant canvas and let your trivet be the centrepiece that sparks conversations and adds a touch of personality to your culinary space.

So, what is a Trivet?

A trivet is a small, heat-resistant object used to protect surfaces from hot cookware or serving dishes. It acts as a barrier between the hot dish and the table, countertop, or any other surface it's placed upon. Trivets have come a long way. They have evolved from simple metal stands to protect tabletops from heat to the beautiful and versatile designs we see today. Trivets are typically made of materials like metal, dolomite, ceramic, or silicone and come in various shapes, sizes, and designs.

To Trivet or not?

Well, if you would like to prevent scorching or staining of countertops from hot serving ware straight out of the oven or pots off the stove, we recommend using one. The trivet acts as a conductor by absorbing heat from the pot and ensuring that the excessive heat does not damage the benchtop.

Can it be used as a large coaster?

Yes, a trivet can be used as a large coaster in certain situations. While trivets are typically designed to hold hot pots, pans, or dishes, they can also serve as a protective surface for larger items like water pitchers. Trivets made of absorbent dolomite stone would protect your tabletops from condensation. Absorbent dolomite trivets are designed to not only provide a stable surface for placing hot cookware but also to absorb any condensation or liquid that may accumulate on the bottom of the dish. This helps prevent the liquid from pooling and potentially damaging the surface underneath the trivet.

So, if you are looking for a dash of design, a pinch of practicality, and a whole lot of fun to add to your eating space head on over to



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